Sunday, March 15, 2015

Why Do Artists Create?

A painter paints to unload himself of feelings and visions. ~Pablo Picasso

When I first encountered that quote, I focused on feelings. A painter paints to unload himself of feelings. I began to wonder why the art I had created with the heavy hand of frustration or the slow strokes of melancholy was hidden away in a small sketchbook on my shelf. Only one of those drawings has been seen by anyone else. Maybe I should not hide that. Maybe I should create more work to express my feelings.

Lifted by the soaring notes of the Prince Caspian soundtrack, I picked up my pencil and began this sketch. I found myself in another world--the world I used to enter every time I drew when I was younger, and it was magical. That brought me to my conclusion. Unlike Pablo Picasso, I do not usually create work to express my feelings. Art is an escape. It's a way to make another world as I allow my thoughts to drift away from the stresses of life. It's meant to be relaxing, not a way of venting.

1 comment:

  1. Nice sketch. *nods* And yeah, for me art isn't often a way of venting feelings, though it can be--more often than not inspiration from my imagination just hits me as I'm thinking of stuff, and the idea takes hold and won't let me focus on other things until I bring it (at least partially) into reality. =P
