Monday, February 17, 2014

A Traditionalist Breaks Tradition

I’ve always thought blogs were meant for writing. Author’s blogs, mommy blogs, craft blogs, they all involved some sort of writing. And, not being a writer, I never considered starting one. But, recently, I have visited several artist’s blogs  and my opinion has changed. When friends began telling me I should start posting my artwork online, I finally gave in. So, here it is, the blog of a traditionalist artist. Yes, I will write a little about each piece, but  my main focus is the art. 
To begin, here’s one of my recent works: Laura Timmins from the BBC show Lark Rise to Candleford. 


  1. Huzzah, blog! And I think I've commented on this drawing before, but it's good. Particularly the lighting on the lips. That always messes me up.

  2. Haha yep! I finally got this thing up. =P Thanks!

  3. Yay, congrats on getting a blog! And the drawing is a very cool one. *nods*
